Sunday, March 30, 2008

Total Dick-Head is One Year Old

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Total Dick-Head. Can you believe it? Honestly, I can't believe how far I've penetrated the Dick inner sanctum in the last 365 days: meeting Anne Dick, Kleo Mini, Linda Levy, and many others, as well as covering the release of Blade Runner: The Final Cut, the production of Your Name Here and The Owl in Daylight.

As amazing a year as it's been for me, it's been even better for Philip K Dick: two volumes from the prestigious Library of America, articles in Newsweek, The New York Times, The LA Times, and The New Yorker Magazine - granted these weren't the most flattering articles, but I'm convinced PKD would be excited by the mere mention of his work in these kinds of publications, and even more excited about his legion of fans that take umbrage at even a single negative comment about him.

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned.

Thanks to everyone who's made this possible.


  1. Congrats!

    This is by far my favorite blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. ¡¡¡Felicitaciones desde la Argentina!!

  3. Congratulations! I had not realized this blog was so new ... I thought it had been going for years and I had just not heard of it.

    Great job and please keep it going!

  4. Hey TDH, thanks for the Alfred Bester recommendation. I'm finishing up "The Stars My Destination" tonight and while it's not quite PKD it's a rollicking fun book.

    Great job on the blog too and thanks for it. When the ancient AI unit from Albemuth reestablishes contact with Terra, you will no doubt be richly rewarded!

  5. Best blog ever!!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!

    You're doing a great job here & I love checking in to see what's new-

    Oh yes, & I've been a 'Dickhead' since the (very) early '70s......


  7. Many happy returns of the blog!

  8. Happy anniversary to The Total Dick-Head! Happy to have met you.

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