Monday, May 12, 2008

PKD Ads - Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Mark Rayner held a Photoshop contest on his website. The rules were simple: take a vintage ad and then add a technology from a future world. There are a couple of PKD-related submissions.

A contestant named Chris submitted these two brilliant Dickian entries:


I think the Perky Pat layout (get it?) would make a great t-shirt. But Perky Pat's boyfriend isn't named Leonard, his name is Walt and he owns a Jaguar XXB sports ship with a flat-out velocity of fifteen thousand miles per hour.

Thanks Tom Marcinko!


  1. Very fun designs. I've been looking at a lot of design-related blogs and this is ace. Made me smile a lot. :)

    Keep up the greatness on this blog, you total Dick-head you.

  2. Excellent stuff - 'Perky Pat and Leonard' sound almost poetic!
