I stumbled onto these two awesome Bluejay Special Edition covers while reading Which PKD Novel Are We In Today. I am fascinated by these covers where Dick appears as a character. In fact, I think it is now my duty to collect all of them. I used to think Dick was the only author ever to be cast as a character on the covers of his fiction.

Then I discovered "Hammett" -- Joe Gores' book that stars Dashiell Hammett as a Sam Spade-style detective

Eventually, Wim Wenders made a movie out of Gores' book.

Hammett worked for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, and while I doubt he saw as much action as Sam Spade, people seem strangely tempted to cast an author as the protagonist, or to read the protagonist as the author.
Excellent blog, David - top review of Voices From The Street in particular! I think PKD appears as at least one character in everything he wrote - the Penultimate Truth cover is another good example of this.
Let's not forget Mickey Spillane, who starred in the movie of of his Mike Hammer novel "The Girl Hunters", as Mike Hammer. Not a good movie, but a weird concept.
Interesting side note to those covers, I have the mass-market pb of Dr. Bloodmoney with that cover, and it is a misprint. My girlfriend picked it up and everything, from page one is repeated over again after chapter two. As a result, the book does not have chapters three and four. I was quite annoyed.
Great site!
I've got Time out of Joint in a Bluejay edition, which features a bearded PKD sitting in a chair next to an old fashioned radio. There's a planet behind him. These are wonderful editions. It's a shame that Bluejay didn't last very long.
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