Photo: Shea Whigham as Phil
Exciting news from director John Simon:
"We are having a sneak preview of Radio Free Albemuth at the Sedona Film Festival in Arizona this upcoming week.
There will be two screenings - a small one on Thursday, Feb. 25 at the Studio Live Theatre at 7:30 pm.
and a larger one in the main Festival screening theatre on Saturday night, February 27th at, the Harkins Theatre 2 at 9:55 pm
My personal suggestion would be to go to the Saturday screening - bigger screen, better sound.
It's being billed as a "sneak preview" "work-in-progress" screening. The film is for all intents and purposes complete - really just the end titles need to be finished.
It's not inconceivable that reactions to the screening might cause us to reconsider the length - which right now is 114 minutes without credits.
So there is some possibility, this will be the only chance to see the movie in this version --- which represents my sole cut and vision of the film.
Obviously, we're hoping/anticipating a good reaction - as we've had so far to those we've screened the movie for, including yourself.
Here's a link to the Festival website. Tickets are $10 for the screenings.
If any PKD fans or listers show up, I'd love to have them introduce themselves to me. I'll be there for Q&A at the end of both screenings.
We could use your support and that of PKD readers."
Here are some more production stills from the movie:

Jonathan Scarfe as Nick Brady with FAP Guards

Scott Wilson as President Fremont

Shea Whigham as Phil, science fiction writer.
Photos courtesy of Radio Free LLC; all rights reserved....
those stills don't have me excited.
I'm holding out for the "Counter Clock World"... Or maybe "The Man Who Japed."
Considering getting some friends together this weekend and making a "The World Jones Made" movie.
I heard a kid in Finland made a version of "The Crack in Space," with his cell phone...
Anonymous, interesting. You're not excited by these production stills - OK, fine. But let's keep in mind that John Simon made this film on a very tight budget, in part, so that he could maintain creative control over the film's content, rather than allowing the sharks in Hollywood to give us another Next, or Paycheck, or other PKD adaptation bereft of everything Dickian except his name in the credits. I, for one, think we should, as fans, be supportive of cinematic adaptations undertaken by longtime PKD fans, who are dedicated to doing Dick's vision justice on the big screen.
Right on, Ragle! I CAN'T WAIT to see this film!!! And Pete, you might not want to hold your breath buddy... Enjoy what you can, while you can. I only wish I could make it out to Arizona for the screening this weekend... (I'm in DC. Bring the movie here! :)
I'm very excited that it's really getting close to coming out. Hopefully there will be a great reaction in that theatre...sure wish I could be there.
114 minutes at, guessing, 24fps...I certainly can't tell much from 4 of those frames...it'll really come down to how the story is told. That's why we like PKD, not for the movies based on his stories, but the stories themselves.
I have a good feeling about this film. I've read about it a few places besides this blog and checked out the producer, a lot of the cast and other information at imbd. Seem to be a lot of people with solid backgrounds. A major plus is that it seems to genuinely be based on the disturbingly timely novel rather than "inspired by" it.
So is this film going to be on general release soon? Am I likely to find it at Blockbusters later in the year,and is it really going to keep the book's title?
a movie about a movie
i love it
still, ill not rest until i see a Galactic Pot Healer movie (am i right?! no? noone cares? okay...)
Looks great, hopefully the Valis movie isn't too far off...
Also, anyone know whats up with the Ubik film?
I heard somewhere RFA may play at the London Sci-Fi film festival. sorry can't remember where I read that but anyone know anything about this. I tried looking at the London Sci Fi Film festival website but couldn't find anything there. would be great to catch it if it is indeed playing there.
wow, the stills look beautiful.
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