Ain't It Cool.com says:
"KING OF THE ELVES (Domestic Release Date: Christmas 2012, Disney Digital 3-D™)
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Directors: Aaron Blaise, Robert Walker
Producer: Chuck Williams Legendary storyteller Phillip [sic] K. Dick’s short story (his only experiment in the fantasy genre) becomes the basis for this fantastic and imaginative tale about an average man living in the Mississippi Delta, whose reluctant actions to help a desperate band of elves leads them to name him their new king. Joining the innocent and endangered elves as they attempt to escape from an evil and menacing troll, their unlikely new leader finds himself caught on a journey filled with unimaginable dangers and a chance to bring real meaning back to his own life."
I can remember rumors about this collaboration as far back as 2001, so it's nice to see Disney finally get serious. By my calculations, my daughter will be seven years old in 2012, and by law at that point, will be at least a staff sergeant in Mickey's 21st century army of children. Should work out well. The question is, will the new Bay Bridge be done by then?
Finally got my hands on a copy of "Time out of Joint," and I'm pretty stoked about it! (My Alaskan town is kind of PKD deficient so I have to keep ordering stuff from Amazon. If I was rich I'd have ordered "Solar Lottery," and "Eye in the Sky" too and gone on a whole PKD 50's bender!)
Ah, theres nothing like a full blown PKD binge. Better than booze, better than amphetamines, better than E-therapy, and certainly better than Chew-Z. Perhaps not better than dark haired girls, but hey, few things are.
I read King of the Elves not so long ago. I took it to be a man's descent into insanity. I must have been wrong, if Disney are making it into a kids' film!
you may not be wrong anon. remember alice in wonderland? how sane was that truly?
At one time or another, I do not have the LOTRO Gold ; I did not want to buy it. At the first time, I am not willing to buy Lord Of The Rings Gold . But I do not wonder I buy the cheap Lord Of The Rings Gold , my friend thinks that I am ill. But when I have it, it carries the magic from such a group, such a link in the world; it is the key bring you to this world. But buy LOTRO Gold is the best desire that I make.
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