Hi, welcome back. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. But that's just about over now and I'm getting back to the real world after an extended foray into the e. More on that when I can talk about it. For now, it's important to know that Radio Free Albemuth, the little movie that could, will be screened at the Science Fiction Hall of Fame June 21 at 7:30. Get all the necessary info
here and buy tickets
here. If you're a reader local to that area what say you take some pics at the premiere and tell us about the event? Harlan Ellison is being inducted so there's bound to be some antics related with that. Hopefully no award presenter's boobs get honked, but if I were the Science Fiction Hall of Fame people, I'd be preparing for that eventuality.
VALIS knows it's difficult to get a decent movie made, and
RFA is the real deal. Tell your friends, get them to the premiere. We need to demonstrate the desire among PKD fans is to see uncompromising adaptations of Dick work, rather than vanilla-ized big budget fiascoes.
Did you guys read the io9.com
interview with Isa Dick Hackett? There's more about the Gondry adaptation of Ubik. I wonder if they'll graft a romance into that adaptation? Something with Pat Conley? Seems like the danger with Ubik is that it becomes a 'love is the real redeemer' cliche. Cause that's not really what redeems them. The key to that movie is the entropy-banishing goodness of Ella Runciter. Sean Young in 1982 would have been perfect for the role.
Such a shame... I live in Greece and I'll probably never get to see this. Darn :(
I have access to a movie theatre in San Francisco, and run a SFF film series. Would LOVE to show this - who's the distributor?
SF, contact them through their website: http://www.radiofreealbemuth.com/blog/
I'll be there-- doubt I'll be able to take pics, but plan to run a review of the movie on the Palm Tree Garden.
BTW, you might be interested in a new series we're running:
Review up here:
We'll also be posting an interview with John Alan Simon sometime in the next week or so.
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