Exciting news, I will be interviewed on a radio show tomorrow night (Friday 11/21/08 10pm-Midnight PST - my interview is scheduled to start around 10:45)! Every week the show, Longplaya, devotes two hours to listening to and discussing a single album. This week DJ Yuri G will be discussing Sonic Youth's amazing album
Sister and I will be the featured guest, discussing Philip K Dick's influence on Sonic Youth. I don't have to tell you
Sister is dedicated to PKD and its title is a reference to PKD's twin sister Jane who died when PKD was an infant. It'll be on the Bay Area's coolest radio station,
Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 FM, or online
here. The show should be available as a podcast almost immediately after it airs right
awesome. after i read VALIS, i found out that some of the lyrics of "stereo sanctity" were directly pulled from the book. somehow i didn't notice them when i read it. will you be discussing this during the interview? and can you point me to any specific page numbers or chapters? thanks!
Wouldn't that be 11/21/08?
Mr Horse,
Yes, 11/21 it is. Thanks for noticing my error.
good interview. your explanation of the "stereographic mixed up field on field" lyric seems to reference the main theme of "the man in the high castle." i was also unaware that dick's pink laser experience came from a jesus fish, since in VALIS the light came out of a clay pot.
I just stumbled across your Dick blog and felt compelled to drop you a line. I saw that you did your thesis on Time Out of Joint which, coincidentally, I just finished reading about a week ago. I found his repetition of the same text at the beginnings of different passages to be particularly effective in illustrating to the reader the ordeal of the main protagonist.
I'll be checking back to see what the haps are. In the meantime, if you get a spare moment, click on my handle and check out my blog. I'm not nearly as good as the master but I toy with the same genre.
Later on.
Nice one, David. Enjoyed that!
Hi. Please add a translator in this blog.
thank you
see you
nice. i really enjoyed your insight on this music/literary connection.
Finally got around to listening. Great Interview, Dave. Kudos, friend.
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