Sunday, July 15, 2012

PKD Festival Update

Registration is now open. You can register and pay here.

A quick update on a few exciting additions we have made to the Fest:

Gregg Rickman will be presenting on Dostoevsky and PKD. I don't have to tell you Dick-heads who he is.

Brad Schreiber will give a talk entitled "Philip K Dick on Political-Corporate Paranoia." Brad has written for all media, is the author of six books and adapted the PKD story “Sales Pitch” for National Public Radio.

Dore Ripley will present "Picturing New Noir Consumerism in PKD Comics." Doré Ripley is an instructor at California State University, East Bay and Diablo Valley College.  She publishes on a wide variety of topics and genres from fairy tales, medieval literature and Shakespeare to science fiction and comics.  Ripley often teaches intensive writing and composition using comics and graphic novels in order to get students thinking critically and gives presentation to other college professors about how to effectively use comics in the college classroom.  Ripley is a freelance writer for

Marc Haefele who was an assistant editor at Doubleday who will talk about his work editing both Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

William Sarill will talk about his friendship with PKD and their work together on A Maze of Death.

And finally, Doug Mackey, author of one of the first surveys of Dick's work, will discuss time in Dick's novels.

And more presenters are still being added! So register now! September is right around the corner!

I have learned that many of you are concerned about access to coffee. I am pleased to announce there will be free, bottomless coffee available for the duration of the Festival.

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