Our old friend anonymous dropped this bombshell of a link in our comments section the other day. A theatrical production of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Looks like this'll have about a three-week run in New York from November 18th to December 11. Dear production people, you should fly me out for this. I could probably get you some good press. Hopefully, if you're in the New York area, you can check this out, and write it up for us not privileged to live in the center of the free world.
From the production's website:
An adaptation of Philip K. Dick's sci-fi classic about androids and a bounty hunter, Rick Deckard, who loves them/loves to kill them. The book inspired the film Blade Runner, but this adaptation returns to the original novel's ideas about a post-apocalyptic world seeking resurrection through the rediscovery of empathy. The production uses innovative video techniques to blur the lines between humanity and technology, finding the soul within the machine..
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