From the email announcement:
"Following last June’s ‘PKD-Day’ marking 25 years since the author’s death, the English Team at Nottingham Trent University have organised a further a day of discussion and celebration of Philip K. Dick’s remarkable body of work. It is an informal event, designed to bring together enthusiasts and academics in a day of papers and discussions."
The most exciting news is that our pal palmer_eldritch will be speaking!:
"'Palmer Eldritch' will be talking about his PKD blog, with its regular feature on “which PKD story are we in today?”. Professor John Goodridge will be looking at emotionalism and melodrama in some of Dick’s novels. PKD collector and enthusiast Alberto Paulino will introduce some of the PKD materials he has acquired over the years. Dr Barry Atkins will be talking about “Videogames: Playing in a Dickian Universe”. Other talks and papers are in preparation, and there will be plenty of time for discussion and get-togethers during the day."
The event will be held June 14th from 10am - 5pm in Nottingham UK. RSVP to John Goodridge (john.goodridge(at)ntuac.uk) who promises me his thirteen-year-old daughter will be videoing the event which is awesome for those of us on this side of the pond.
Update: PKD Day 2 has a website up and running now!
I am co-organising a PKD-Day at Nottingham Trent University with Prof John Goodridge. I've just got our website up and running. We'd be very obliged if you could pass on the link to anyone who might be interested. Our url is http://pkdday2atntu.webs.com/.
Thanks and regards,
Me again.
The webmaster of the PKD-Day website promises a free beer to the first person to spot a connection between the website header pic and PKD :)
To be claimed after the event.
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