Pictured: Trent Tower on the campus of Nottingham Trent University.
Well at least somebody recognizes the importance of the continued academic study of Philip K Dick. It's just too bad they're in England because I can't go. I am starting to research what's involved in holding a PKD conference here in the Bay Area. There's never been a PKD conference in America. Obviously, Dick's old stomping grounds are the perfect setting.
If you're in England make sure to check this one out:
PKD-Day: An informal event for students, readers and fans of Philip K Dick
Saturday 6 June
10am till 5pm, in the John Clare Lecture Theatre, Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University. It is free but ticketed.
Speakers include authors Graham Joyce and Ian Watson.
For further information contact: john.goodridge@ntu.ac.uk
Update: Here is the schedule of events for the day listed on the organizer's website:
9.30 am Registration: tea and coffee available in the foyer
10.00 am Introduction and welcome (Professor John Goodridge)
10.15 am Daniel Cordle looks at ‘cold war’ images in The Penultimate Truth
11.00 am Coffee
11.30 am Souvik Mukherjee on Phildickian game theory: ‘Blade Runner’
12.15 pm Emrys Jones on first looking into Dick’s SF
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Mahendra Solanki introduces Philip K. Dick on film
3.00 pm Tea
3.30 pm Writers on Dick, led by Graham Joyce
4.30 pm Closing discussion, led by the speakers: PKD yesterday, today and tomorrow
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