Some guy on myspace had all these cool covers posted on his page. It's interesting to glimpse the way the movie was marketed, not to mention how antiquated everything looks just 25 years later. As you probably guessed, I'm still quite busy, trying to grade papers and get a band going (Bay Area drummers please shoot me an email), so this is a just a quick post to tide you all over.

My students are reading
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? right now and I have been meaning to post something on the book, so stay tuned, hopefully in the next couple of days I will explain exactly why calling Deckard an android is an insult to androids.
Holy crap, I remember Starlog Magazine.
"...an insult to androids..." Oh, I am so looking forward to this! I have had many arguments with BladeRunner fanboys about the failure of the movie to express the book. (Full disclosure: I am a PKD fanboy. But you knew that.) I hate BladeRunner! Anyway, educate those students!
Blade runner may have failed to fully express Dick but you can't deny that its a good film. A successful failure.
I agree with anonymous. I saw the final cut the other day and, although I don't know what the difference is between it and the director's cut, I haven't enjoyed the movie more.
CCBC, do you hate all PKD adaptations?
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