Radio Free Albemuth is set to premiere in London this week at the Sci-Fi London Film Festival. London is, like, a big city. Perhaps your town is next... The Festival's website is here.
Also, there's a fantastic new issue of PKD Otaku out now with tons of great content. Download the huge .pdf here.
Longtime Dick-heads Lord RC and Henri Winz are collaborating on a new PKD bibliography titled "Precious Artifacts." Lord RC's Pink Beam is already an indispensable resource, and Henri, who has run the PKD Bookshelf for years has an amazing collection of PKD stuff. Learn more about the project and contribute to a Kickstarter for the book project here.
The legal eagles among you already know the court room drama regarding the adaptation of Adjustment Team is once again heating up. The plaintiff's complaint makes for some very Dickian reading. Check it out here.
Finally, big Blade Runner fan? Check out this special issue of Journey Planet dedicated to our favorite android termination film. Download here.
Thanks for sharing the PKD-OTAKU link. Appreciated.
Thank you for sharing the imminent publications of Precious Artifacts! And congratulations on your dickian achievements during the past 5 years.
My thanks as well for sharing the new issue of PKD Otaku. You are one of the few to do so. Can't understand why. The backcover alone is worth the price of admission. And the next issue will be the 25th anniversary issue.
With respect to the latest chapter in the "Adjustment Team" legal battle: The suit against PKD's children (and 10 "John Does"!) does not address the fact that the story appeared in DAW's paperback collection The Book of Philip K. Dick (which I have right here). A few months ago, when the filmmakers were the defendants and not the plaintiffs, the estate evidently claimed that the DAW publication was the first authorized appearance of the story. But I don't know whether that matters, given that the DAW collection was "copyright 1973 PKD" as a whole; why wouldn't that suffice, if copyright was renewed by the estate in 1983 as the new lawsuit says?
This is a great year! There's so much going on in PKD land that I'm sure we're all excited. This latest issue of PKD OTAKU is a fine production and excellent articles. And the next one is the 25th Anniversary Edition! Let's all make it a nice fat one with lots of contributions! I know Patrick Clark will cheerfully consider anything PKD-related we might send him.
Henri Wintz and Dave Hyde's (me) PKD Bibliography is much anticipated and we plan on June publication. Here's our fBook page, please join us there: https://www.facebook.com/PreciousArtifacts
Then there's the upcoming PKD fest in San Francisco in September hosted by our host here - David Gill (The Total Dickhead). What more could a Dickhead want?
So, yeah, as a Philip K. Dick fan I'm excited! It's a great year. See you all in San Francisco in September!
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