Monday, November 12, 2012

Radio Free Albemuth to Play NYC at Philip K Dick Filmfest!

Those of you not submerged by Hurricane Sandy but still located in the New York area should be sure to check out the Philip K Dick FilmFestival. It's Dec 7,8, and 9. Check out the schedule here. And if you were paying attention to the headline, you would have noticed that Radio Free Albemuth will be showing. Buy your tickets here.

Sadly, I am underfunded to attend. If one of you gets to this, please write something up for us.


Gryzor said...

Any news for a release on another medium - disc, online, VHS, betamax?

simon50 said...

Theatres first - then Video on Demand and Downloads and DVD. That's the usual movie release pattern.

Stay tuned - and sign up on - www.radiofreealbemuth for all the latest info. Or simply purchase a family-size can of Ubik = free Radio Free Albemuth download included. No spam - promise!

Darryl Mason said...

I'm going to have to fly to the US to finally see Radio Free, aren't I?

LJ said...

Still no release, except on dodgy looking streaming site. Sigh!