Photo: That's me interviewing Jonathan Lethem, Laurence Rickels, Rudy Rucker, and John Alan Simon. Click to see the rest of the image: Rucker and Simon have been cut by the auto-formatting...
Though I'm still pretty tired, as well as behind in my grading and housework, I guess I better put my thoughts down about the Dick-Fest before the memories start to fade. They tell me it was an unqualified success. I actually didn't get to see much of the Fest as I was running from emergent situation to technical catastrophe almost the entire time.
First off, there were more than 130 who registered. The big lecture hall/theater where we were staging the fest only holds 140, and people were still registering the night before. I was sweating. Talk about sweating, I met Dr Laurence Rickels at the airport and drove him to his "Hospitality Suite" on campus - only I couldn't find the damn place. Talk about an anxiety dream! But Rickels is a cool cat, a nice guy, and I drove him around on Friday before the fest. I can't say I "get" his book now, but he did offer this kernel of wisdom: Naziism is Psychoanalysis in reverse. That sure got me thinking. Rickels also had a cool video presentation of old space race stuff.
The next night I drove Jonathan Lethem to his suite and we had a nice talk. I knew we'd be pulled in different directions at the fest, so I was glad to get the time. Very nice guy. I've got some friends that call me "Dave" and some friends that call me "David" - Lethem is a "David" friend. I got him to sign my copy of "Men & Cartoons" too! His keynote was funny, touching, and revolutionary - more on that when the videos come out -- more on when the videos are coming out later.
The highlight of the event was the screening of Radio Free Albemuth. Well before that we had a nice dinner in the "Nob Hill Room" at my school, with an open bar, and pretty good food. But the movie was a hit, and seeing it with a theater full of Dick-heads was wonderful and rewarding for me personally.
I finally got to meet Umberto Rossi. A gentleman and a scholar. And of course got to catch up with old friends Lord Running Clam, Perry Kinman, Frank Hollander, Laura Entwisle, and more. The whole thing reconfirmed for me that Dick-heads are some of the nicest, smartest, and most generous people on the planet. In addition, I met lots of cool new people: Chris Rudge, John Burton, Doug Mackey. I can't list everyone.
The Verge has just posted their video and article about the fest, and they're great! Check them out here. More pictures to follow.
I thought it was a really special event. I go to quite a lot of academic conferences, as well as reader-led events in the UK like the annual Festival honoring the poet John Clare, and my own co-organised ‘PKD-days’ in Nottingham. But I can’t remember feeling so consistently drawn in and interested in everything as I was at this Festival. All the speakers were really rewarding, as were the conversations I had with fellow ‘Dickheads’. David Gill worked phenomenally hard on every aspect of running the event, and it paid off magnificently. I am not surprised you are tired, David, but well done! A brilliant event! -- John G.
Thank you for putting on a terrific event and for creating a situation where I was able to come in contact with some new friends from far and wide. It was a real honor to meet all who attended, sat on panels, gave presentations and showed films, slides, etc. I’ve had a hard time decompressing from the festival as I woke up even this morning ready to be immersed in all things Dickian, but that event has passed much like PKD’s 2-3-74 event….it was a 3 day pink beam that hopefully will return in the future! Great seeing everyone, and thanks again David!
The best thing about the Festival was that it made me realize that I should rewrite several parts of my book. The worst thing about the Festival is that it made me realize that I should rewrite all my book.
But this is my own problem.
It was wonderful, and I look forward to the next Festival. I just can't get enough, that's what I feel.
Thanks for all your hard work, David, to make this a successful event. To meet so many PKD fans in one place was, as they say, awesome! Can't wait till the 2014 festival in OC!
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