I would apologize for the recent blog silence but for two facts:
1) I promised at some point that I wouldn't begin blog posts with an apology for a dearth of posts.
2) I've been working behind the scenes laying the groundwork for a Philip K Dick Conference to be held September 22-23, 2012 at San Francisco State University.
Of course you knew that already from seeing the wonderful logo at the top, produced by Sebastien Berruyer!
The big news is that our first confirmed guest, the guest of honor for the conference, will be none other than Jonathan Lethem (or a simulacrum thereof)! No seriously, Lethem's in!
In the coming weeks I will be looking to do some fundraising. I think the first step will be to print up some t-shirts with Sebastien's logo to sell. If you have any ideas for raising money or know of a good online silkscreen service let me hear it in the comments.
Additional information about the substance of the conference as well as details about potential lodging will be forthcoming. I'm very excited.
I swear I'll do whatever I can to be there with you. I can also sign copies of The Twisted Worlds of Philip K. Dick, if you really want.
Hi Umberto, I'd like to purchase a signed copy of your book. Is there a way to do that?
Oh, wow. I am so tempted to drop everything and go there. Was thinking about doing Worldcon in Chicago next year, but the chance to overdose on a weekend of PKD. Priceless.
Did you consider at all trying to get Bruce Gillespie as "Guest-Of-Honor?" He has done far more than any of us to promote the works of Philip K. Dick.
I plan to invite Bruce Gillespie and many other 'special guests.'
I'm so buying a t-shirt!!
A signedo copy of my book? Uhm... would coming to Rome and meeting me be too expensive? Maybe coming to SF next year is cheaper. Unless you live neither in the US nor in the EU!
The logo is awesome. Count me in for a t-shirt, too!
Get John Alan Simon to talk about adapting PKD for the screen!
Quite tempting indeed ! Hum... that leaves a year to find the better way to join you :-)
I can recommend spreadshirt as a t-shirt printer. I have been doing stuff with them here in Germany many times. Fast and great quality from all I've seen. Some of my shirts I got from them 5 years ago I still wear today.
I can also recommend kickstarter as a way to raise funds. I've been supporting arty projects through that for some time. It's easy and a lot of fun!
Where can we learn more about the convention? Register, etc.?
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