This is a great shot of PKD that Anne Dick sent me a while ago. This photo was taken at the house in Point Reyes in 1963. Anne writes:
"This is a picture of Hatte and Laura in 1963, maybe a May birthday dinner for Hatte since it's still so light. We sat down for dinner together every night and always made a big deal out of birthdays. Once in a while Phil would barbecue. I liked this, no pots and pans to wash -- although Phil usually did the dishes as I recall and made the desserts. He was a very pleasant family person and seemed to enjoy life with us."
Hatte was Anne's daughter by her previous husband, poet Richard Rubenstein, and of course Laura (the younger of the two girls in the picture) is PKD's first child and now works with Isa Dick-Hackett steering the PKD Trust, and Electric Shepherd Productions. I get the sense from both Anne, as well as PKD's depiction of the family in Confessions of a Crap Artist, that the early years in Point Reyes were very happy.
The exciting coda for this post is an announcement that Anne Dick is republishing her memoir The Search for Philip K Dick. Edwin Mellon Press printed a limited run of Anne's memoir in 1993, and today that memoir often sells for over a hundred dollars. Anne has worked very hard this last year revising the book, and is self-publishing it later this summer. I'm excited about this, because it's a great book, gives tons of insight into PKD, and what it was like living with him. I can't wait for more Dick-heads to get a chance to read it. More info about the book and how to buy it will be forthcoming. But, just to get a sense of what demand is like, if you may be interested in buying the book (estimated cost is about $17.00) please leave a note in the comments section.
I'd love to read Anne's book. Let us know when it's available for order and I will gladly order myself a copy.
Add me too to list, love PKD's work, PKD, his people and everything influenced from his work.
Me too
I'll certainly pick up a copy as well.
I got the limited edtion back in the day, but I'm up for a new edition, yes please!
I've long hoped Anne's book would be brought out in a more affordable edition -- I'll buy it the day it's published.
I'll certainly snap it up if it's priced reasonably, i.e., less than a hundred dollars!
Let's have it!
I would definitely want to buy a copy!
This is great news! Tell us when we can pre-order. Many thanks!
Count me in for this!
Yup, me too. If I can get it to the UK without murderous postage costs, that is!
Me too!
I've read the biography years ago for my doctoral thesis on PKD. It is quite good, an easy read, sometimes a little too subjectively biased, though. As I borrowed it from the library back then, I guess I will buy the revised edition too.
KI, Germany
I'd be very interested in buying the book. I'm just starting to research biographical information about Dick and keep coming up with conflicting "facts" about his life.
Hey, I feel like I already got the whole story from "Clans of the Alphane Moon"!
i'd like to get a copy, but given what PKD thought of her, I think it would be giving money to somebody who caused him a great deal of trouble.
my HOAX bell is ringing. This book is a money-making thing, and remember he didn't feel so good when he was with Anne. I feel it like a treason. :)
i stopped by her place a couple of years ago while working in Pt. Reyes. she mentioned a book she was working on and its so good to hear this will be available for us once again.
i'll buy it in a heartbeat.
Look up the word 'Hoax' - you're not even close.
Also, don't be so sure you know how PKD felt (about anything or anyone). He visited Anne quite a bit after they were married...
I'm in for a couple.
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