Well gentle readers, it's been quite a week. I spent a good portion of it in a recently-acquired 15-person Dodge van, on a short SoCal tour with my band. Needless to say, my current connection to reality - just two days post-trip - is tenuous at best. Therefore, I don't quite have the time or wherewithal to continue posting about We Can Build You, though I'm almost done with the book and furiously consulting a ouija-board and hyperbolic translators trying to figure out what Rickels has to say about the book. Here's a hint: while he agrees with my observation that Pris seems to resemble Binswanger's famous patient Ellen West, he also writes this sentence which basically takes the English language back behind the barn and shoots it:
"For the cybernetical technologist the creation of a robot brain unfolds as the progressive modulation of classical non-reflexive lawfulness of being through the transclassical lawfulness of reflection of his own ego, which is set up on the former as an overdetermination"
(cough, cough) Balzac says what?
Anyway, more on that later. Here's some cool stuff for the those of us still waiting for our neurons to return our calls:
Things are starting to happen over at PhilipKDickFans.com! Under the gentle webmasterage of Cal Godot, the site site has expanded and has a couple really cool offerings right now. First, you can download a pretty cool 2011 PKD-themed calendar prepared by David Hyde and Perry Kinman. Check it here. Even better, in my opinion is a newly-revised list of all the musical references in PKD's irv (download here). Perhaps we can use this to create the ultimate PKD Pandora station. But seriously, this is an amazing resource, one available to Dick-heads only because there are a bunch of hardcore fans out there without girlfriends. I kid.
Please note you have to be logged in as a regular user if you want to download this stuff from the philipkdickfans website.
Regular readers will no doubt recognize the handle Mr. Hand, a frequent commenter and good friend to this blog, who's smart as a whip and knows stuff about stuff I have never even heard of. Now Mr. Hand has got his own blog, PKD and Religion and he dominates! Perhaps when the neurons return my call I'll spend some more time over there.
I haven't even mentioned screening a blue-ray final cut of Radio Free Albemuth with director John Simon when I was down in LA (bloggership has its privileges). I will. But let me just say this about that: I am now a believer in this film and I will do everything in my power to get this film a distribution deal. Become the film's friend on Facebook (hit me and the band up while you're at it), write your congressmen, or local theater house, or your ultra-rich uncle. Tell people about this. Let's get the lamestream media involved!
And so, having reached my Palin-allusion-limit of the day, I am signing off.
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