Have you ever tried reading a magazine devoted to some niche subculture just to see how much you don't know? It's a great habit for when you're waiting in line at the grocery store. Camera magazines are good if you know nothing about cameras (Philip K Dick blogs are good if you know nothing about Philip K Dick). Try it, you'll be stunned by the enormity and complexity of all the things you don't know. What's more, people really get into these obsessional hobbies (or whatever you want to call them) - even if you personally couldn't care less, as this comment from the post will attest:
"This looks like mostly standard parts, but I don't recognize the parts used for the inside wheel hub covers. I'm longing to build one - this is one reason I want a reprap. Custom Lego."
I don't know what that means but it's definitely teh awesome... and the fourth nerdiest thing I've ever read in my life (we must never speak of the first through third).
Thanks Be to Reverend Pescovitz!
Update: Boingboing's got video of the interview and the car and stuff here. Tip for the male readers, if you ever get a lady in your dorm room, parent's basement , friend's closet, sf convention hotel room, or general vicinity, sit them down and show them this. They'll want you.
A reprap is a rapid prototyping machine, sometimes described as a 3D printer, which is made of parts that it itself can make, the primary effect of which is you have a self-reproducing machine that can also create items based on CAD drawings.
this is a truly "Dickian" machine:
¿Qué es la inspiración? ¿Existe? ¿Tiene algo que ver con la Infinita Paciencia? ¿Why am I really here? ¿Quién es usted? ¿Puedo meterme en su vida?
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