'PKD Otaku' is a Philip K Dick fanzine put out by Patrick Clark and Marc Oberst that appears in print form in high-end zine shops and as .pdf files available online for download. The newest issue includes Rudy Rucker's thoughts on Sutin's biography (Hey Rudy if the Sutin bio bums you out wait til you read Rickman's - it's a real downer), some thoughts on Dick's novels "Counter Clock World" and "A Scanner Darkly" by Dick-head Andre Welling, as well as some old reviews of Dick's novels, including this review of 'Eye in the Sky' from the September 22, 1957 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle:
"There is, somewhere in the Bay Area , a writer named Philip K Dick. I do not know him, but I visualize an intense young man hunched over a typewriter, typing at transgalactic speed. It's the only way he could produce books at the rate he does. "Solar Lottery" was good. "The World Jones that Made" was bad. "The Man Who Japed" was erratic. But his "Eye in the Sky" is excellent. It is another story of alternate universes, but much better than most. If Dick had Heinlein's command of technique, "Eye in the Sky" might be a better book than "The Door Into Summer." As it is it rates a good second."
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