Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Humpty Dumpty in Oakland Hits Bookshelves

Yesterday, out of the blue, I received my review copy of the new Tor edition of Humpty Dumpty in Oakland, which apparently hit bookshelves last week in a blast of fanfare no one was around to hear. I have to say I love the cover; the book looks really great - but as an Oakland resident I'm biased.

I can't wait to read the novel; the difficulty will be fitting it in between The Maltese Falcon (which we're reading in my second-year literature class), a never-ending stream of student essays, and all the owner's manuals that came with my new synthesizers, but I think, as an Oakland resident, this novel will really speak to me.

I think 'Oakland' may be the only city name to appear in a PKD title. Am I wrong about this?

Amazon is selling the novel at a heavily reduced $16.47 (or $30.19) when you buy it with Voices From the Street.


Anonymous said...

I just went to order mine and Amazon said 'three copies left'. Does this mean Tor are going to reprint some of the other 'mainstream' PKD?

Cal Godot said...

It's a very nice edition, well worth the money. We got a few in at the bookstore where I work. The PKD selection I've built up gets lots of attention and sells well.

Tor is indeed reprinting more "mainstream" PKD novels. The PKD page at Tor:


And some scheduled street dates:

In Milton Lumkey Territory

Voices from the Street (paperback)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cal. They need to get Gather Yourselves Together and The Man Whose Teeth... on that little list as well IMHO !

Ms Heather said...

Ah, student essays. Not quite the same caliber as PKD . . . :) I'm going to have my own stack at the end of next week.

Hey, I'm a fellow blogger now too . . .

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