Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Radio Free Albemuth Trailer Online

Events on the ground are moving rapidly as we approach the Friday release of The Adjustment Bureau. Personally, I'm more excited about John Simon's adaptation of RFA. The trailer showed up on the Internet today...

Radio Free Albemuth movie trailer
Uploaded by blankytwo. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.


Cinerama said...

Man, finally. This looks great. Seems like a good cast. I've never read this novel, but have read many of Dick's works over the years.

Not surprised to see Quiet Earth's name on the video. They have a habit of finding pretty obscure stuff.

Keep the news 'a flowin'!

Gryzor said...

GFX=ok. Handycam=not ok. Darn.

Pantomime Horse said...

I want to see this!!
Gonna check the official site and see if there is more to preview.

Pantomime Horse said...

Visually stunning and everyone that's seen a preview seems to agree it's an excellent adaption of an excellent novel.

The movie's site has an email newsletter of some sort you can subscribe to for updates and whatever. I'll put the site's URL in the space for that when I Choose an identity.

Neorandomizer said...

Many comments on IO9 dislike the trailer because it is not a big budget spectacular like most of the films made from Dick's works.

I myself like what I have seen and have high hopes that they translated what Dick wrote better than most other films to date.

Simon50 said...


Hey, guys! Could some of you post your positive comments about the movie and/or trailer here to i09? This is an indie movie - trying to capture the spirit and heart of the novel and PKD. Not another big-budget action film rip-off of his sci-fi concepts. We've very proud of the great reviews by PKD scholar-fans like David Gill and Gabriel McKee who have ACTUALLY SEEN the movie!

The negativity now can really hurt the chances for the picture to get released. I suspect most of the people who've posted on io9 have probably never even read PKD - just seen the name. They have no inkling of just how strange and interesting a novel RFA really is - particularly in light of the autobiographical nature of the VALIS experiences.

Anonymous said...

I tried to post on IO9 but the site is unsuable. I'm not even seeing any comments. The HTML contains stuff like "your version of [proprietary browser] is not supported". For real? If this site is any good, it needs a new webmaster.

Umberto Rossi said...

This DOES look like the Real McCoy...

yobar said...

I've been waiting about 2 years for this film to be released. The trailer looks great!