The competition was fierce and I loved all the for titles this cover art.
jaldhar came up with my favorite title:
The Anaclepses of Darwin Fenderman
I was blown away when I couldn't find a definition for anaclepses on Google. You truly are a victim of the future's wolves jaldhar
and you're a total dick-head!
Please contact me with your mailing address and your books will be on their way to you before the empire ends...
Thanks to everyone who played. Honorable mentions include:
Dave's: Science Send Me Home
Neal's:Now Wait For Mainstream Literary Acceptance
and MDK's: Entropians of the Planet Doom
Thanks to all who participated, stay tuned for another round soon!
The Uninsulated Man
We Blame You
Unsafe At Any Speed
-Isn't It Obvious?-
and also, on a similar note:
-Man, With Lightning-
This Space and Time of Mine
Now Here is Everywhere
Science Send Me Home
Fertile Zeus
we can zap you
Do Martian Titans Dream Darkly?
The Man Who Japed And Also Brought Down Property Values
or perhaps more seriously...
Prometheus Of The Timestreams
The Seven Veils of Infinity
Martian Tangent
The Anaclepses of Darwin Fenderman
Valis Resurected
The Resurection Machine
The Transmogrification of Timothy Archer
Sybil Unrest
We Can Defibrillate You, Wholesale
Man on the High Stair Case
Martian Time Whip
The Galactic Battery Recharger
The Anamnesis of Steerswain Richard
Dark-Haired Vestals of the Electric Kipple Temple
Now Wait For Lightning
Now Wait For Godot
Now Wait For Mainstream Literary Acceptance
Grow My Ivy, the Stairmaster Said.
Gather my Quanta, Forever
Kipple from the Void
Entropians of the Planet Doom
My Banner, Brightly
Damn, I Missed my Jump, the Time Cop Said
The Show Must Go Ion
The Howl in Twilight
Joe Shilling for the Meter
The Hanging Gardens of Marin County
The Radio Shack Wistaria of Proxima 6
Strange Memories of Movement
Universe Jumped
Now I'm Here, But Where is Here?
Arcs of the Covenant
ok, so you want a title the is both science-fictional and spiritual, and poetic -- but somewhat ponderous in its phrasing -- that somehow also articulates the plight of the common man in uncommon circumstances...
"the electrical pentecost of jasper smiley?"
One more...
I Spent Spring Break on Mars and All I Got Was This Pile of Gubbish.
The Unfortunate Collapse of the Simulacrum
now that the contest is over, I just want to say that my personal favorite was Dave's "Now Here Is Everywhere". And Congrats to jaldhar.
I really liked this game. maybe we need to start a Dick board.
Thanks for running the contest. My favorite was "Man on the High Staircase" and I thought "Now Wait For Mainstream Literary Acceptance" would have won for sure.
Btw, anaclepses is a Koine Greek theological term meaning the profound sadness a character of philosophical significance feels when he is replaced by a wisecracking robot played by Adam Sandler in the Jerry Bruckheimer adaption of his story. Or I made it up.
Ragle, I can't find a contact address for you. Where do I send my mailing details? I'd rather not post them here (though I'm sure Spiro Agnew knows exactly where I live.)
my email address is dcgill@sfsu.edu
Damn! Now Spiro Agnew knows where I live!
Thanks again to one and all who played - you're all winners and stay tuned we'll do it again real soon.
OT: It's interesting that the Russian version (er, is that Russian?) leaves out the "K."
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