While just about every Dick-head has read Sutin's biography of PKD, Gregg Rickman's is less well known. Apparently Rickman intended to a three volume biography on Dick but only completed this first volume. I learned about this biography from Lethem's notes at the end of the Library of America release and tracked down a copy online. Out of curiousity I googled Rickman's name and soon learned he is a lecturer in the film department at San Francisco State University - the same campus where I work as a lecturer in the English department. I have contacted Rickman and he kindly agreed to meet sometime soon to talk. Quite a coincidence. Stay tuned for more details.
That is uncanny. I can taste a San Francisco-based PKD conference... or book club?
Rickman's biography, even as a one volume piece, is superb - I've been waiting for the second volume for 15 years now, and would love to see it.
then go here! http://dickheadworld.com/
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